PROducts & Services
Train with me 1v1 or 2v1 for 60 minutes at either 213 Geary Ave. (Toronto: Dufferin & Dupont), 196 Spadina Ave. (Queen & Spadina) or in your Home or Condo gym provided you have enough space and equipment. (Prices may vary based on proximity)
One on One or Small Group
Personal Training Sessions
Lets have a Friendly chat Online to discuss your Fitness Goals and Specific needs. Provided you’re a good fit, I will show you a roadmap to the results you’re after so we can see the challenges ahead and overcome them together with Confidence and Forethought.
Buy Personalized workout plans
BUY 2, 3, 4 or 5 Day workout splits from my database of Highly Effective and Tested Workouts. Upper/Lower, Push/Pull/Legs, Bro Splits, Bring up lagging muscle groups, Total Body
Or buy my 16 Week “8,5,3,12” Powerbuilding Program. Guaranteed to increase your Squat, Bench, Deadlift and Overhead Press. WELL RESEARCHED, GREAT LOOKING and EASY TO FOLLOW workout programs with notations, methods & protocols thoroughly explained.
Become an Online Client
Want the benefit of my knowledge and insight but live too far away for in person sessions?
Feel as though you can do the Training and Nutrition yourself if you just had the right guidance and support?
Save a few bucks and still access high quality adaptive workout programming, Diet & Nutrition knowledge, a Great Motivator and Cheerleader for your accomplishments.
Tried the rest and now want to work with the best.
Want to close your eyes and do exactly what's instructed knowing that results will come.
An Entire Google Sheets Training System.
Create & Assign Tailored Programming quickly with our intuitive and feature filled template
Impress Clients with how granular your knowledge of their numbers is with Data Tracking and Visualization. Analyze and Share a Looker Studio Dashboard so Trainers and Athletes can examine their progress and KPI.
Stay Organized and up to date with Client Management Features like Check In forms. A Logically organized Folder Structure. Resource hub so you can collect and share files full of important information for new Athletes
Built in Strength Program: 8-5-3-12 Powerbuilding is a 16 Week program designed to get your Squat, Deadlift, Overhead Press, & Bench numbers up and to make you look at feel superhuman.
Easy Set up. I’ve automated about all i can without turning this into a mobile/web app but i’ve also included an easy to read “How to” explaining how to link the files so the data flows.
Included instructions on how to program for 8/5/3/12 PowerBuilding. A Program for athletes of all abilities who are looking to become vastly stronger as well as improving their physical appearance. Might even feel healthier too.
Great features like Color Coded Supersets, Heads up see your max lift for every exercise programmed, Placeholder values for super easy data entry and more….